Brazil Dry Process Amecafe Cooperative
Brazil Dry Process Amecafe Cooperative
Cupping Notes:
The hefty body gives way to hints of fruit and creamy nut tones, Brazil nut, hazelnut, almond flour, cocoa powder, freeze-dried berry, and earth-toned carob and cacao husk aroma.
Region: Lambari, Minas Gerais
Farm: Amecafe Cooperative
Variety: Red and Yellow Catuaí
Altitude: ~1300 masl
Processing: Dry Process
Farm Description:
This comes from an all-female group of small producers in Lambari Municipality, the Association of Coffee Women Entrepreneurs, or "AMECAFE" for short. While there are currently more than 150 members, this particular blend is made up of coffee from 3 producers - Luciana Avincula's "Sítio Mumbuca", Regina de Fátima's farm "Sítio Cocho Velho", and Jéssica Pimentel's coffee farm "Sítio Santa Cruz". Their farms sit at an average of 1300 meters above sea level (1200 is the lowest) and are planted in Red and Yellow Catuaí. Unlike many of the larger Brazilian estates, these farms are employing manual harvest methods where only the ripe coffee cherry is selected for processing. This is our second year buying coffee from AMECAFE, a relationship that wouldn't be possible without the help of AMECAFE member Laura Barros. Not only is she a coop member, but also has set up an export business from her family farm and mill Condado, where she is focused on buying from three different local sources: smallholders in the south, fellow AMECAFE members, as well as a few larger estates in her hometown. Far from a passive coffee trader, Laura and Condado partner Felipe is continuously in the field sharing their agronomical expertise with neighboring farmers and those they buy coffee from.
Description from Cafe Imports.