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Ethiopia Miirabawi Buna SWP Decaf

Ethiopia Miirabawi Buna SWP Decaf

Cupping Notes:

Origin becomes easier to pinpoint as the coffee cools, convincing chocolate roast tones backed by a fruited sweetness, complex hints of berry, bell pepper, dried peach, caramel popcorn and sandalwood.

Region: Jimma
Farm: Miirabawi Buna
Variety: Heirloom Cultivars
Altitude: ~1750-2000 masl
Processing: Dry Process then SWP Decaf

Farm Description:

Here's another custom decaf by Swiss Water decaf, made up from three different coffee farms in Ethiopia's Western Jimma region. These farms are larger scale for Ethiopia topping out at 30 hectares of coffee, with an altitude range of 1750 to 2000 meters above sea level. In previous years, all private operations big and small had to sell their coffee through the government-run Ethiopia Commodity Exchange and only cooperatives and unions were exempt. That probably sounds worse than it really was in terms of payments. But an issue presented to the buyer is that ECX coffee was stripped of provenance, save origin, so we never knew where it came from. Farmers like the ones included in this decaf , for example, would've had their coffee blended off with other coffees of a similar grade and sold as "Limu Grade 1". The rule changes have allowed these farmers to apply for export licenses and sell their coffee directly. Swiss Water decaf use their patented chemical-free, water-decaffeination process to remove 99.9% of the coffee's caffeine content. The technique is gentle on the coffee's cellular structure, leaving much of the aromatic compounds that affect flavor and aroma intact. This means that the decaf tastes a lot like the coffee before processing.

    Description from Cafe Imports.

    Regular price $17.00 USD
    Regular price Sale price $17.00 USD
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