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Ethiopia Shakiso Wesi

Ethiopia Shakiso Wesi

Cupping Notes:

Clean cup sweetness, snappy acidity, with floral aromatics that tie in nicely to the sweet flavors. Black tea, lemon spritz, Bergamot, lemongrass, lavender, rose water, coriander, citrus bitters, and ginger bread cookie.

Region: Wesi, Shakiso
Variety: Heirloom Cultivars
Altitude: ~1900-2200 masl
Processing: Wet Process (Washed)
Certification: Farm Gate

Farm Description:

Kayon Mountain is owned and operated by the family of Esmael Hassen, located in the southern Guji zone of Shakiso. They run a large family estate, and also operate several coffee processing sites in Guji towns, like Wesi. This site is only a few years old, and is processing both wet and dry process coffee. This is one of their fully washed, wet process lots, and it shined when cup testing Kayon coffees early in the harvest season. The coffee is pulped on a McKinnon-type, disc pulper that uses friction discs to remove the outer cherry and much of the fruit from the green coffee seeds. The mucilage-covered coffee is then fermented overnight in cement tanks, before being washed with clean water, and dried on raised drying beds. During the process, the coffee is hand-picked several times to remove coffee with physical defects, or that is not ripe. Wet process coffee takes about two weeks to dry. The gentleman photographed in the maroon shirt is the manager, Tariko.

      Description from Coffee Shrub.

      Regular price $19.00 USD
      Regular price Sale price $19.00 USD
      Sale Subscribers Only
      Whole Bean or Ground
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