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Kenya Nyeri Kiaguthu Peaberry

Kenya Nyeri Kiaguthu Peaberry

Cupping Notes:

Complex flavor profiles of fruit juices, like red tropical punch and spiced cranberry, along with notes of grape, cherry, a hint of apple, and an acidic impression that is quite juicy!

Region: Kiaguthu, Nyeri
Variety: SL-28, SL-34
Altitude: ~2000 masl
Processing: Wet Process (washed)
Certification: Farm Gate

Farm Description:

This organic lot from Martin Tiberio is of the same Pichanaki cooperative as the coffees from Alex Gomez, and Alejandro Juisa(also available). His farm, Finca Marseba, is also located in Rio Tambo, Monte Sinaí. His coffee farm sits at 1450 meters above sea level, is roughly 13 hectares, and is planted in Catimor, Catuai, Marsellesa, and Parainema. His coffee is one of several purchased from the Cooperativa Valle Uburiki, a coffee farmer's association that operates in Pichanaki. They are buying directly from the producers and offer different services for the members like business loans, drying patios and other processing improvements, coffee storage bags, organic fertilizers, and so on. The small premium they receive for Organic and Fair Trade certifications helps to fund those endeavors (not all are certified organic, but this lot is). They also have a technical support staff who provide agronomical assistance, and in the past few years jump started an organic farming initiative that they are rolling out to their coop members.

      Description from Coffee Shrub.

      Regular price $18.00 USD
      Regular price Sale price $18.00 USD
      Sale Subscribers Only
      Whole Bean or Ground
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