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Kenya Nyeri Thunguri AB

Kenya Nyeri Thunguri AB

Cupping Notes:

Light roasts bear tart fruits and sweetness that rides the line between fruit pectin and raw sugar, with notes of citrus, pomegranate, and spice. Full City develops a bittersweet layer that melds with dark berry notes.

Region: Nyeri
Variety: SL-28, SL-34
Altitude: ~1800-2000 masl
Processing: Wet Process (washed)
Certification: Farm Gate

Farm Description:

Thunguri washing station sits at 1800 meters in the Othaya constituency of Nyeri County. Thunguri collects and processes the whole coffee cherry for farmer members using a disc depulping machine before fermenting the coffee in order to remove the sticky demucilage layer. After the fruit is removed, the coffee is then soaked in clean water where they are completely "washed" of any remaining fruit residue, and then dried on raised coffee drying beds. Farmers in the region grow mainly SL-28 and SL-34, with small amounts of Ruiru mixed in. Thunguri is one of several coffees we purchased from Rumukia Farmer's Cooperative Society (FCS). Coffee is processed and kept separate by day or even weekly deliveries at the factory in order to identify quality. The separated batches are then run through screens in order to separate beans by size, the most common being AA (17-19 screen), AB (15-17 screen), and Peaberry, which are referred to as "outturns". 

      Description from Coffee Shrub.

      Regular price $19.00 USD
      Regular price Sale price $19.00 USD
      Sale Subscribers Only
      Whole Bean or Ground
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